Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A hot summers day at Whangamata !

We were driving to Whangamata on a hot summers day where my step grandparents own a batch. So we were driving along for a boring three hours but the roads were really windy so I got car sick and softly drifted to sleep. When we arrived at our batch my sister Emma told me “ While your were asleep we passed a gypsy fair and dad said we could go”.I was so excited!

The only problem was we had to wait for my aunt and cousins untill we could go.I got really bored because they didn’t come for another half an hour. When they finally arrived us and our legs walked in agony to the field were the fair was.

When we got to the park all I saw was bushes then we turned the corner and saw the most amazing ride ever! It was a swing ride. A swing ride is just like baby swings that go really high in a circle. As soon as I saw it I shouted to my cousin Liam “I’m so going on that ride”! Before we had headed off my Mum had given me $2. I just hoped it was enough.

The ride turned out to be $4 so I had to beg my uncle to let me borrow $2. So when he finally gave in my cousin Liam and I sprinted to the ticket booth and bought our tickets.When we got to the gate of the ride the man was just opening it. Only 2 people where allowed on at a time. that was Liam and I.

Since only two people were allowed on at a time you had to go opposite each other. When I got onto the swing and the man strapped me in I started to get excited and nervous at the same time. This was going to be awesome!

I was right this ride was awesome. “Liam” I shouted “Liam can you hear me”? He didn’t answer back so I thought he was dead.I looked at my aunty while swinging backwards. I realised he wasn’t dead because she was laughing. Laughing at me!

The ride was so terrifying that it made you feel like you were going to fling onto the road.When it ended Craig (my uncle) bought us all food. Guess what I got? A vegetable samosa!


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