Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Turbo touch is a game, plenty of Summerland Y6 students went to play at Henderson Intermediate against other schools. Other schools came to play against us... Some schools were very hard to play against! Turbo touch includes boys and girls so we took a boys and a girls group to Henderson Intermediate. We had 2 breaks for morning tea and a little snack before our next game. We had a sasuage sizzle for lunch.. Henderson Intermediate had prepared for us 4 schools. At the end we had prize giving Pomaria took out the whole competition for Turbo touch but a teacher said it dose not matter because were all just there for some friendly games and lots and lots of fun.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Discussion question

Which character do you think is the most inportant the story.

I think jesse is the most inportant in the story because he is the person that the book describes the most and talks about him the most.

From Daniel

Bridge To Terabithia (cameron)

Bridge To Terabithia, a magical, imaginative adventure that gives you a whole new perspective on the out doors and what you could make of it. In this book a boy called Jesse (Jess) finds a new friend called Leslie, a girl with a big imagination and a very different life, who is the founder and ruler of "Terabithia", a ruler as well as Jesse of course. In this gripping novel there is a new girl called Leslie at school and she is always bullied and Jess feels sorry for her, she is also Jesse's neighbour and one day after school they both go into the forest out the back of Leslie's house and name it Terabithia. I give it a eight out of ten because in some parts you don't know whats going on. It is still a good book and follows the movie very well unlike some books.

Lynette's words about Bridge To Teribithia

This book is a very different and more detailed then the movie. So far Im up to the the part when its after Christmas and Leslie and her dad are trying to repair the old house while Leslie's mum was working on writing a book. Leslie always helps her dad whenever she comes home and her dad does like her company. So Jess goes to Teribithia alone but he needed Leslie to make the magic worked. I think that this book is really different to the movie and is really imaginative.
"Have any of the characters changed in the story?" Yes Jess has changed.
"What caused him to change?" Well when Leslie has arrived he feels more imaginative and more free to do things.

By Lynette

Grace's thoughts on Bridge to Terabithia

Bridge to Teribithia is a great book so far. At the moment in the book Jesse met Leslie and they became great friends. When Leslie started at school not everyone welcomed her with open arms until they learnt that one of Leslie's favourite hobbies is scuba diving. The book is written by Katherine Paterson. So far I am enjoying the book and everything is unexpected.If I had to chose a character to be my friend it would be Leslie because she doesn't think highly of herself and is very king and caring. Plus she is into sports and pets like me.

Bridge to Teribithia

So far in bridge to teribithia jesse has made a best friend called leslie and has found a place in the forest that they called tribithia and they made this imaginary kingdom that they always hang out in it.When it came to christmas leslie gave jesse an art pack and jesse gave leslie a puppy and they called it prince terren pt for short but then later leslie dies she drowns in the lake and i think it is really sad

From Daniel

Bridge to terabithia

So far jesse made a new friend called leslie. leslie is the fastest kid in the fifth grade, they both find a magical land in the forest called terabithia they made the kingdom and they always hang out in it.

I think This book is interesting

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Room 16 were lucky enough to be taught a traditional maori game Ki o Rahi. We had fun learning the history behind it and we enjoyed actually playing the game. We are now practicing so that we can teach other classes how to play this game.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Eddies prediction of pet perspectives

I predict That their mite be a boy that finds a rat and likes it and keeps it and mite wash it and mite hide it from his mum and brings it to school to play with and heaps of kids around him
wanting to play with the rat and mite think its interesting and eat its home work!!! and gets in big trouble.

Jarreds prediction about pet perspectives

I predict in the story some kids from a school are going to study a rat/mouse for some homework. They will all be given a rat/mouse and will teach it tricks and will also see if it is intelligent, interesting, destructive, or carries diseases. Intelligent and interesting because it might understand human being's language and ways of playing. Destructive because it might eat your homework.

Fazeel's prediction for Pet perspectives

I predict that in the story Pet perspectives, they get a pet mouse for a science project.They might be seeing if it could do any tricks or see if caries any disease, they might see if it is intelligent, interesting or see if the mouse is destructive.I think when the mouse gets older it might create a big mess like it might eat all the food in the cupboard, and it might even go up your pants at night when your are sleeping.